Annona Xylopiifolia - Araticu-Jaí

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Seeds were imported from Brazil. ARATICU-JAÍ comes from the Tupi and means: “fruit of soft mass”, and the adjective “JAÍ” which means “crooked or twisted or striated” in allusion to the shape of the fruit. It is also called Araticuí , Araticum-graviola (for the taste of the Brut), Araticum of December, Araticum female cagão and Biribarana. This species is very rare and rarely collected in the wild. The foliage of large and old trees are much smaller and have a similar appearance to the genus Xilopia , which is the reason for the scientific name. The tree grows 6 to 8 meters tall, with a brown trunk measuring 30 to 40 cm in diameter. The pulp is firm, yellowish in color and very tasty, easily detaching from the seed, and therefore ideal for consuming out of hand.

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